We believe that maximizing the use of energy sources distributed throughout the community, including residential PV systems, will contribute to realize a sustainable society.
エネルギーリソース導入事業Energy Resources Providing Service

Providing various energy resources for the purpose of storing and utilizing energy by Share Denki. We are expanding energy storage batteries to store Shared Denki’s energy, and V2H that works with EVs. Proposing the best option to ensure safety in case of emergency.
エネルギーマネジメントサービスの実証Energy management service

VPP demonstration using energy resources
Planning and developing a variety of services for households (prosumers) that have PV systems. One example is the VPP demonstration project using household storage batteries.(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, “DER Agri Demonstration”, 2022) Sharing Energy promotes the demonstration of an aggregation business that utilizes household energy resources of “Share-Denki” + storage batteries.